Response to “Moving from collaboration to critical dialogue in action in education” by Matusov & Pease-Alverez, 2020

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Ray Paul Middleton


Here I reflect and respond to the article on Critical Dialogue in Action: “Moving from collaboration to critical dialogue in action in education” by Matusov and Pease-Alvarez, 2020

Article Details

How to Cite
Middleton, R. P. (2020). Response to “Moving from collaboration to critical dialogue in action in education” by Matusov & Pease-Alverez, 2020. Dialogic Pedagogy: A Journal for Studies of Dialogic Education, 8.
Commentaries on published articles
Author Biography

Ray Paul Middleton, Fulfilling Lives (Homeless Charity)

I am an independent trainer and also work for a homeless charity - training staff working with people with complex needs a around addictio, mental health, offending and homelessness


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