The purpose of the Dialogic Pedagogy Journal is to advance international scholarship and pedagogical practice in the area of dialogic education. The journal is multidisciplinary, international, multi-paradigmatic, and multicultural in scope. It is accepting manuscripts that present NEW and/or significantly expanded previous scholarship that addresses the dialogic nature of education, teaching, and learning in formal institutional and informal settings. The relationship between pedagogy and dialogue should not be limited to or defined by any particular institutions, specific settings, age of the participants, or fields – new visions and insight on particular tensions can arise from debates among paradigms, practices, and events, and DPJ supports diverse, sometimes even oppositional positions. Hence, we encourage any research scholars and practitioners with an interest in dialogue and pedagogy to submit articles for editorial consideration. More...

Editor-in-Chief: Eugene Matusov; Deputy Editors: Ana Marjanovic-ShaneMikhail Gradovski; and Olga Shugurova. See also Editorial Team

2025 DPJ Call for manuscript submissions


Dear colleagues—

Dialogic Pedagogy: A Journal for Studies of Dialogic Education (DPJ, is happy to announce a call for the 2025 submission of manuscripts.

DPJ is an international, online, open-access, free publication, peer-reviewed academic journal. The targeted audience of the DPJ is educational researchers and innovative educators interested in the broadly defined field and practice of Dialogic Education. Our journal is indexed in over 15 national and international academic databases with high-ranking scores (e.g., Scopus, ERIC, Google Scholar, Education Source, etc.).

I. Dialogic Pedagogy and Dialogic Education

We loosely define “dialogic education” as any scholarship and pedagogical practice from educational researchers, philosophers, and practitioners that values and gives priority to “dialogue” in learning/teaching/educating across a wide range of institutional and non-institutional learning settings. At this point, a variety of approaches to dialogic pedagogy have emerged. This includes but is not limited to, instrumental, interactional, epistemological, ecological, and ontological approaches to dialogue in education. We embrace diverse perspectives despite their possibly irreconcilable contradictions, disagreements, and dualisms. Juxtaposing conflicting ideologies and practices of dialogic pedagogy allows authentic questions and tensions to emerge as scholars across various settings for learning, and cultural/historical practices provide rich perspectives on the problematics of dialogue in education.

We believe that the Journal for the Study of Dialogic Education has to promote a public discourse on what dialogue and dialogic pedagogy are, what they mean, and how they relate to education rather than provide gatekeeping, censorship, or silencing of diverse approaches in the name of “true dialogue,” “true dialogic education,” “authentic education,” or “true dialogic pedagogy” (although this assertive discourse is welcome as well). Certainly, a journal on dialogic education should neither censor ideas nor develop an (impossible) consensus. Rather, the journal is founded on the idea that the scholarly community should engage in dialogue about the meaning of dialogue in education and dialogic pedagogy. In other words, it should practice what it preaches. Through dissemination of scholarship in the journal, scholars will have an invaluable opportunity to engage in an international debate about what “dialogic pedagogy” means across a diverse range of ideologies, values, settings (e.g., formal institutional and informal), histories, countries, social groups, and cultural practices.

II. Deciding if your work should be published by the Dialogic Pedagogy International Online Journal

The purpose of DPJ is to advance international scholarship and pedagogical practice in the area of dialogic pedagogy and education. The journal is multidisciplinary, international, multi-paradigmatic, and multicultural in scope, accepting manuscripts from all scholars and practitioners interested in the dialogic nature of education, teaching, and learning in various formal institutional and informal settings. We encourage research scholars and practitioners with an interest in dialogue and pedagogy to submit articles for editorial consideration. We loosely define 'dialogic pedagogy' as any scholarship and pedagogical practice, from educational researchers and practitioners, which values and gives priority to 'dialogue' in learning/teaching across a wide range of institutional and non-institutional learning settings". To make a decision about publishing with DPJ, please take your time to evaluate whether or not your manuscript is suitable for the DPJ and the community behind the journal based on the description of the journal’s Focus and Scope ( If you are not sure and have questions regarding the journal's aims and scope, we urge you to write to the Main Journal Editors with your questions.

III. Genres of publications

DPJ welcomes submissions of manuscripts and multimedia of diverse genres, formats, lengths, and styles. The main peer-reviewed genres of publications are the following:

The main peer-reviewed genres involve conceptual, empirical, and/or methodological papers (Including any combination of these foci).

Ethnographic and empirical research with conceptual analysis and "thick descriptions";
Description of and reflection on innovative dialogic educational practices;
“Special issue” – a collection of thematically related papers;
Theoretical papers;

The main non-peer-reviewed genres of publication are the following:

Video/audio recorded or transcripts of innovative dialogic educational practices with the possibility of fragment-by-fragment analysis of records and their discussions;
Invited commentaries on published articles (both impressionistic and focused);
Critical book reviews (invited or volunteered, see;
Manuscript work in progress for critical, supportive, non-judgmental peer feedback;
Reports about relevant projects and conferences;
Announcements relevant to the field of Dialogic Pedagogy or DPJ;
Translations of work published in other than English languages;
Scholarship Beyond Essayistic Texts;
Volunteered commentaries on the published work.

IV. Your next steps
If you plan to submit your manuscript(s) in 2019, please reply to this email to Eugene Matusov ( and provide to us with the following information:
The tentative title of your paper;
Genre (as listed above or proposed new one);
Tentative list of the authors;
Tentative date of submission.

For more info about submission, please see Author Guidelines <>.

If you want to submit your manuscript(s) immediately, please go to (it requires registration).

Also, please contact us if you have ideas for a special issue or a special project.

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have questions, concerns, suggestions, and/or proposals. Also, please pass this email on to your colleagues who may be interested.


DPJ Main Editors
Eugene Matusov (
Ana Marjanovic-Shane (
Mikhail Grqadovski (
Olga Shugurova (

Vol. 13 No. 1 (2025)

This is DPJ General Volume 13 for 2025

Published: 2025-01-14

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