Subjectivity and change in process of supervision

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Bente Vatne
Kari Søndenå


Supervising texts with a bachelor thesis as its outcome, has been prioritized in the Norwegian Early Childhood Teacher Education. The focus has been on recruiting enough supervisors, and on qualifying supervisors. There has not been a similar focus on the bachelor texts as such, and on questions concerning what kind of function these texts should have in professional education. From a Bakhtinian dialogic perspective we value variation and change in student subjectivity as a fruitful, rather than a problematic means of enhancing quality. The current study has two main research questions: (1) what typologies of subjectivity can be identified in student’s bachelor texts, and (2) what typologies of subjectivity are given priority and how these priorities respond to the possibility of change. Concerning the first question, students’ legitimations have been identified as typologies of uncomplicated and complex subjectivity. As for the second question we observed that individual voices in bachelor students’ texts were not given equal status compared with more powerful generic voices that represent sameness. The latter voices are interpreted as articulated intentions in the national curriculum for the Early Childhood Education and Care, and in local curricula. An important insight from this study is that changes in subjectivity is tightly connected to sameness for all bachelor students and educational cannons. Student subjectivity seems to be fixed and finished and in status of adjustment to universal claims. Such insight generates new questions concerning the space for students’ lived experience, emotions and creativity in higher education.  

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How to Cite
Vatne, B., & Søndenå, K. (2020). Subjectivity and change in process of supervision. Dialogic Pedagogy: A Journal for Studies of Dialogic Education, 8, SA45-SA59.
Special Issue: Supervision and Advisement
Author Biographies

Bente Vatne, Volda University College, Norway

Bente Vatne is a professor at Volda University College, Norway. Her main research interests are supervision in Higher Education and early literacy in Early Childhood Teacher Education. She uses sociocultural and Bakhtinian dialogic approaches to education.

Kari Søndenå, University of Stavanger, Norway

Kari Søndenå is a Norwegian professor working at University in Stavanger, Faculty of Social Science, Department of Social Studies and Psychology. Her research interests include philosophical and qualitative research, theory of supervision and subjective and life world dimensions, and conceptions of quality related to bachelor-, master- and doctorate-ness.


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