“My tutor doesn’t say that”: The legitimized voices in dialogic reflection on teaching practices

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Mercedes Cubero
Miguel Jesús Bascón
Rosario Cubero-Pérez


In the construction of teachers’ professional knowledge, reflective practices are a fundamental tool that responds to the need to connect theoretical principles with practical resources and to the improvement of teaching by means of critical analysis. The Practicum, as a dialogic structure for the explanation and interpretation of teaching practices, provides teachers in training an opportunity to build their own understanding based on dialogue and reflection. Invocation is one of the resources used to legitimize scientific or disciplinary knowledge in joint reflection. Qualified voices are called and made present in classroom discourse to validate descriptions or explanations. We are interested in defining the profile of the invocations introduced in dialogic reflection, as sources of legitimation of knowledge, and identify the patterns in the sequence of the invocations' appearance. This work consists of an exploratory study of multiple cases, in which each case is a classroom unit composed of a tutor and her student teachers. Two cases from the Practicum in a Primary Education Teacher Degree were selected. A category system was developed for the analysis of invocations and organized into four dimensions: academic or professional knowledge, experiential knowledge, invocation of truth, and invocation of ideology or values. Results allow us to highlight some relevant conclusions. Invocations are a widespread resource in a process of dialogic reflection to legitimize the interpretation of educational practices. The participation of student teachers in dialogic reflection is possible and abundant thanks to the experience of the Practicum, which provides a validity criterion for their arguments, supported by the invocation to the authority of teaching experiences. In this study, tutors’ efforts to connect pedagogical principles with personal experiences in the Practicum have not clearly translated into student reflections in the same direction. The paper finishes paying attention to the competencies and training that Practicum tutors need.

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How to Cite
Cubero, M., Bascón, M. J., & Cubero-Pérez, R. (2020). “My tutor doesn’t say that”: The legitimized voices in dialogic reflection on teaching practices. Dialogic Pedagogy: A Journal for Studies of Dialogic Education, 8, SA26-SA44. https://doi.org/10.5195/dpj.2020.311
Special Issue: Supervision and Advisement
Author Biographies

Mercedes Cubero, University of Seville

Mercedes Cubero is Associate Professor of Cultural Psychology (permanent position) in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Seville (Spain) and a member of the research group Laboratory of Human Activity (LAH). Her research has focused on the relationship between sociocultural practices, discourse genres and modes of verbal thinking. She has conducted research on narrative and propositional thinking, concept formation, memory strategies, egocentric speech, argumentation and discourse in classroom interactions. Her recent research concerns the cultural construction of identity through the analysis of narratives. She also participates in research on autobiographical memory, gender construction and cultural competencies in diverse communities. She was a member of the Organizing Committee of the I ISCAR Congress (Sevilla, September 2005).

Miguel Jesús Bascón, University of Seville

Miguel Jesús Bascón is a Lecturer in Language and Thought (permanent position) in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Seville (Spain) and a member of the research group Laboratory of Human Activity (LAH). He has studied psychological processes involved in adolescent conflicts, from a discursive and gender perspective. More specifically, the relationship between argumentation and modes of thought. He has conducted research on educational discourse in classrooms, good coeducational practices, the reconstruction of identity in battered women, community cultural competence and psychological health in caregivers of dependent patients. He is currently studying the relationship between identity and resilience in situations of vulnerability in different contexts, especially in school environment and gender violence. He was a member of the Organizing Committee of the I ISCAR Congress (Sevilla, September 2005).

Rosario Cubero-Pérez, University of Seville

Rosario Cubero-Pérez is Associate Professor of Educational Psychology (permanent position) in the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Seville (Spain) and a member of the research group Laboratory of Human Activity (LAH). Her research has focused on educational knowledge construction and the analysis of social interaction in teaching-learning processes, understood as sociocultural activities of joint construction of meanings. Amongst other things, she is interested in how collective knowledge is constructed in educational discourse and how participants in this process manage to share a legitimized version of knowledge. In recent years, she has developed research on construction of science in Higher Education, dialogic reflection in teacher training, collaborative learning in school classrooms, and the study of learner identity through narratives. She was a member of the Organizing Committee of the I ISCAR Congress (Sevilla, September 2005).


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