The New Heresy and the Modern Inquisition

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Amardo Rodriguez


In this paper, I look critically at a new trend on college campuses regarding the banning of certain words, especially the biggest racial taboo word in the USA.  I contend that these new bans impede the rise of a dialogic, democratic, and pluralistic temperament, ultimately promoting and legitimizing violence as good and necessary.

Article Details

How to Cite
Rodriguez, A. (2021). The New Heresy and the Modern Inquisition. Dialogic Pedagogy: A Journal for Studies of Dialogic Education, 9, A74-A96.
Author Biography

Amardo Rodriguez, Syracuse University

Amardo Rodriguez (Ph.D., Howard University) is a Professor in the Communication and Rhetorical Studies Department at Syracuse University.  His research interest is in postcolonial theory.  His most recent book-length monographs, Communication: Colonization and the Making of Discipline and Notes From The Margins: Reflections on Regimes of Knowledge and Power, were published by Public Square Press.  He has also published papers in such journals as, Journal of Race & Policy, Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies, Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, and International Journal of Discrimination and the Law.  Prof. Rodriguez teaches in areas related to communication theory and inquiry.  He is also the Book Review editor for the Journal of Race and Policy.


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