An educational program addressing tense intercultural communication between Japanese and Chinese students: A Bakhtinian perspective on dialogue and love

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Atsushi Tajima
Yingmin Jiang


In today’s culturally diverse world, the ability to engage in effective communication with individuals from different backgrounds has become increasingly significant. In particular, overcoming emotional resistance when interacting with individuals from culturally distinct backgrounds is an important educational challenge. In this paper, we discuss the significance of educational practices that facilitate productive intercultural communication, drawing inspiration from the perspectives of the Russian philosopher M. M. Bakhtin, who valued “dialogues” between “others” who hold conflicting ideas about the same subject. Bakhtin valued the “outsideness” of others, recognizing it as a means to reveal the multifaceted nature of ideologies, which have been unquestionably accepted by individuals within the same cultural milieu. Additionally, he appreciated the positive atmosphere that could develop between speakers, which plays a key role in alleviating the emotional distress associated with reacting to perspectives from alien cultural backgrounds as a significant factor in promoting meaningful dialogues. Based on Bakhtin’s insights, we designed an experimental educational approach to mediate conflicting ideas between Japanese and Chinese university students by alleviating the emotional distress they experienced when faced with conflicting viewpoints. Thus, the research question of the present study is how we can promote participants’ critical investigations on each speaker’s conflictive cultural view and develop their abilities to bridge the gaps in culturally divided worldviews. After an analysis of these theories and empirical data, we comprehensively proposed strategies to enhance the quality of tense intercultural communication while discussing conflicting themes. Promoting positive emotions toward partners, consistent with the concept of “professional love” proposed in this special issue, is regarded as one of the most crucial elements of our educational approach.

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How to Cite
Tajima, A., & Jiang, Y. (2025). An educational program addressing tense intercultural communication between Japanese and Chinese students: A Bakhtinian perspective on dialogue and love. Dialogic Pedagogy: A Journal for Studies of Dialogic Education, 13(1), PLC1-PLC20.
Love and Care in Professional Practices
Author Biographies

Atsushi Tajima, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan

Atsushi Tajima is an associate professor at Institute of Global Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, where he has been working since 2012. He received his Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Tsukuba in 2006. He has published papers and books mainly on theoretical investigations of the dialogic theories of M.M. Bakhtin, with a particular focus on enhancing intercultural communication in school education. He has received an Outstanding Paper Award (2007) and Kido Award (2009) from the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology for his contributed papers., Correspondence:

Yingmin Jiang, Beijing Normal University, China

Yingmin Jiang is a professor at the Institute of International and Comparative Education (IICE) at Beijing Normal University, a position she has held since 2000. She earned her Ph.D. in Education from Beijing Normal University in the same year. Her research and publications primarily focus on education for international understanding, with an emphasis on improving intercultural communication in primary, secondary, and high school education. She has been actively involved in developing international understanding dialogue courses in collaboration with China, Japan, and South Korea.


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