The purpose of the Dialogic Pedagogy Journal is to advance international scholarship and pedagogical practice in the area of dialogic education. The journal is multidisciplinary, international, multi-paradigmatic, and multicultural in scope. It is accepting manuscripts that present NEW and/or significantly expanded previous scholarship that addresses the dialogic nature of education, teaching, and learning in formal institutional and informal settings. The relationship between pedagogy and dialogue should not be limited to or defined by any particular institutions, specific settings, age of the participants, or fields – new visions and insight on particular tensions can arise from debates among paradigms, practices, and events, and DPJ supports diverse, sometimes even oppositional positions. Hence, we encourage any research scholars and practitioners with an interest in dialogue and pedagogy to submit articles for editorial consideration. More...
Editor-in-Chief: Eugene Matusov; Deputy Editors: Ana Marjanovic-Shane, Mikhail Gradovski; and Olga Shugurova. See also Editorial Team
Current Issue
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2025)
This is DPJ General Volume 13 for 2025
Published: 2025-01-14